We currently have experienced senior Consultant and nurses to Offer Urology Services.
Urology is a surgical speciality covering diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders affecting the urinary system, from the kidneys to the urethra (water tube).
Our consultants have a special interest in
- Microsurgical Vasectomy reversal,
- Bladder problems (dysfunction)
- Female Incontinence issues
- Male Prostate and Urinary issues
- Benign prostatic diseases,
- Inflammatory diseases of the Urinary tract (UTI,
- Prostatitis and painful Bladder syndrome
- Operation for scrotal conditions and scrotal pain.
Private Urology Services are offered at Best Life Clinic
- We currently offer Private Urology Consultations for the above problems. The consultation fee will be £240
- Urodynamic Service to assess Bladder function and Incontinence. The current fee is £650.
- Catheter Care Service: Provided by an experienced Nurse practitioner who provides teaching self-catheterisation and care of long-term catheters. Fee: £120
- Trial without catheter service: This is for men and women who have undergone total blockage of Urine and are fitted with a catheter. We can provide a full assessment by a consultant Urologist and a nurse and recommend the appropriate next action. A trial without a catheter can be performed. Total fee: £300. This will include a clinical examination, further treatment recommendation, a Trial without a catheter, and re-insertion of the catheter in case of failure to pass urine during the trial once. Any further tests, treatments, or consultations will be chargeable separately.
- Operations for foreskin problems, including Circumcision, Frenuloplasty (lengthening of foreskin band) and Prepuceplasty (operation to widen foreskin opening – Fee £1500 to £1900 depending on the operation chosen. Circumcision will be charged at the higher fee of £1900.
- Operations for scrotal swellings – Hydrocele, Epidydimal cysts – £2200 to £2600
- Microsurgical operations in the scrotum – Varicocele operation, operations for scrotal pain (excluding vasectomy reversal )- Fee varies from £2800
- Advanced Microsurgery Vasectomy Reversal (Multilayer Vaso vasostomy or Vaso-epididymostomy) – Fee £4100 to £4600
We offer the state-of-the-art Micro Surgical Vasectomy Reversal Service at Best Life Clinic. Please read the details by clicking here.